Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So i've finished my srp, and also the purple srp booklet (yayers).

So the results that I got support the hypothesis, which is that coloured text is easier to remember than black text.

The average number of words remembered for coloured text is higher than that of black text.
  • 20.0625 is the average number of words remembered by my subjects for coloured text
  • 16.1875 is the average number of words remembered by my subjects for black text

Now, I just gotta print out my SRP.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So yesteryday, I did the second part of my experiment. It's basically the same thing as the first one, except this time, I experimented on coloured words instead of black.

Here is a picture of the experiment:)--------->>

I think a lot of people remembered a LOT more coloured words than they did for black. Which is cool :P.

So now, the experimenting is OVER and DONE (yayers~). Now all I have to do...i start the rest of my SRP (sighs).

Thursday, June 3, 2010


So on Tuesday, I did half my experiment at lunch with my 'human subjects'. It was so funny, because everybody was complaining about how they were never gonna remember the words.
I made people read a list of black text, try to remember them, and then try to write them out again. People were complaining about how hard the words are, but overall, people did pretty well. Suprisingly, a lot of people had pretty good memory. 2 crazy people remembered all the words (i dont know how people can do that -.-).
Phase two of the experiment is next week. It's the same thing, except this time with coloured words. :)
Some pictures of the experiment:)

Monday, May 24, 2010


here is just some research that i have been doing on the brain and human memory :)

Human memory refers to the concept of remembering and recalling data and information. the human memory is composed of many different strucutres that each plays a specific part in creating, storing and recalling memories.

Memories are stored in a part of the brain called the hippocampus. There are two hippocampuses n the brain, one on the left and one on the rite side of the brain. They are shaped like banas, and are located near the ears.

The cortext is the part of the brain that recieves the data from the hippocampus. The cortex is a layer of cells on top of the brain. each part of the cortex has a specific responsibility, such as smelling or hearing.

Human memory is classified into three types: sensory, short-term and long-term.

SENSORY MEMORY: Sensory memory is the ability to store sensory experiences temporaraily, as they are produced. the sensory store is the place where these short memories are kept. Sensory memory works unconsciously and automatically.

A person's sensory memory can store data from any of the five senses, but echoic memory (memory of sounds) and iconic memory (memory of visual images) are the most common form of sensory memories. Data in the sensory memory is only temporary, and usually lasts from a quarter of a second to a few seconds. If the information is relevant, the data is moved into 'short-term memory'

SHORT-TERM MEMORY: Short-term memory is when the brain only retains information for a few minutes. it is also called primary or active memory. on average, a person has the ability to retain seven pieces of data in their short-term memory. Within short term memory, there are three stages: iconic memory, echoic memory, and working memory (process which holds onto the information until it is used).

LONG-TERM MEMORY: Long-term memory is the storing place of information that is influenced by the environment surrounding us. This kind of memory is the structure of which new information can be remembered.

Long-term memory is also a powerful stimulus on the perception of sensory data. Data that has been stored in our long-term memory effects how we view data in our sensory memory.

Creating a long-term memory in the brain usually requires three phases: acquisition, storage and retrieval. To be able to remember something, the brain first must acquire the relevant information, and then store it. After this information is stored, it can be retreived any time.

People encounter thousands of pieces of data everyday, but only the important information makes an impression on the hippocampus, and then moved to other parts of the brain for long-term storage.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Method for my Experiment

The method for my experiment:

Aim: To see if coloured text is easier to remember than black text.

Hypothesis: Coloured text is easier to remember than black text.

Independent variable: the ability of the person to remember the text
Dependent variable: the colour of the text

- 30 human subjects
- 30 sheets of paper with 26 words in colour
- 30 sheets of paper with 26 black words
- 30 pens/pencils

1) Select 52 words to be used in experiment- 26 long words, 26 short words.
2) Print 26 words in black text, with alternating short and long words.
3) Print 26 words in coloured text, also with alternating short and long words.
4) Assemble subjects in a quiet room.
5) Give page with black text to subjects.
6) Allow 5 minutes for subjects to read text.
7)Take sheet of paper away from subjects.
8) Make subjects wait for five minutes.
8) Give subjects a sheet of blank paper and a pencil.
9) Allow subjects to write words they can remember.
10) Wait 10 minutes for subjects to write.
11) Collect sheet of paper from subjects.
12) Repeat experiment with coloured text.

Climate Graph

I did my climate graphs by hand, because i didnt know how to do it on excel hahas.

It might be a little difficult to see, so i'm putting up a few pictures of the graph =]. enjoy.....

Thursday, April 1, 2010

some volunteers pls =]

Yay. My experiment has been approved =].

Anyways, i'll have to start getting subjects for the experiment. i think i need around 30 people to test on, and so far...i have about 15. dont worry peoples, this experiment isn't going to be harmful or anything. it just tests human memory=]

if u wanna volunteer, can u put a comment in the comment box, and say something along the lines of 'i volunteer'. that would be awesome =]

thank you very much >D

Monday, March 1, 2010

i think i may have an experiment =]

yay~~i think i have an experiement XD. i think my experiment will be:
---if coloured words VS black words affect human memory ^^

i THINK it's a psychological experiment, because it tests human memory and responses.

Independent variable: the colour of the words
Dependent variable: the ability of the human mind to remember the words

the dependent variable is correct...right?

now, if i actually carry out the experiment, i need some human subjects--hehehehe.
who wants to volunteer ^^ lol.

still a bit vague about the experiment... =O

i'm still not sure about if i want to do the grass growy thingy. cass is right, it mite take a little long... i sorta wanna do a psychological experiment now. there's this particular experiment in the email that ms zhang sent around, 'eyes and the ability to judge distances'. i wanna do an experiment that is similar to ideas anyone?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

suggestions anyone???

so far, i'm a bit stuck on ideas about the experiment >___<"
i've got one in mind, but i reckon it might be a bit diffifult........and i don't have the necesarry equipment for it either T.T".

the one im thinking, is to see how fast grass grows under different coloured lights. do you think this is too hard??

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hello world.